Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Internet-less and Day 14 of Praying For My Husband

I hope you have still been praying even in my absence. We have officially moved homes and my little world is slightly (ok a lot) chaotic. We haven't had internet and what little I have sought out through coffee shop wifi has been used to pay bills and take care of business. Hopefully the miraculous green light on the modem stays for good...otherwise it will go back to red and I will have to wait for Thursday so they can officially hook up our internet. Ahhh...joys of moving.

Day 14Pray that your husband will speak words that build you and your family, and reflect a heart of love. Pray that he will not use filthy language. 

Father in Heaven, I pray over my husband today. God bless his tongue so that as he speaks to me and to Gracin, that his words would be from You. May they be seasoned with love and only build and encourage. The tongue is so powerful, and as the leader for our family, may he use that powerful tongue to Your glory in building our home. Remove filthy language as even a thought from our mouths. May his words be "yes" and "no" as he sets the example for our son. Thank You for my husband, Lord, indeed I am truly blessed. 

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