Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Have you ever wanted something impractical? No, you didn't need it, but in your heart of hearts you really wanted it? Yep, I've got a few of those....and this is one of my current obsessions:

Sigh. The Brighton "Laugh" perfume smells absolutely heavenly and it is one scent I can still enjoy even while pregnant. It's not something I'll go buy for myself, but isn't it fun to dream??

I've done that a lot lately--dream. I've dreamed about house decorations I want to hang on my wall, makeup brushes I've wanted to use that don't break or come apart, a Clarisonic that might help get my skin looking
"spry" again, and fuzzy boots that don't have stains from last hunting season......

But when I get dreamy, I remember the car axle that needs replacing *surprise!*, the house payment that must be made, the dog that needs wormer, and the husband that could use a new pack of underwear. In short, I'm a grown-up. Grown-ups are good at dreaming, but living in reality.

Guess what? I praise God that He's given me that perspective :)


Becky Dietz said...

There have been a few Christmases in our marriage where we couldn't afford a gift for one another. So instead, we wrote what we WOULD have bought for the other if money were no object. I think we enjoyed that most!!

Laura Darling said...

Oh I bet that smells so good! I love everything Brighton! If only I had the budget!