Sunday, December 13, 2009

Post-Semester Muse

I love's my favorite time of year. I'm a sucker for Christmas movies, plays, presents, trees, snow, food goodies, family, carols--yes I love it all! This year is especially a blessing because my future brother-in-law is here in the weeks prior to Christmas Day. How we have loved his presence--though I don't think any of us could love it as much Anna.

The semester finally ended. What craziness the last few months have been. I have been tested emotionally, spiritually, and physically in ways that have grown me so much as a young woman. Lessons have been hard--but I'm better because of them. God has been teaching me a lot about contentedness in singlehood, patience, prayer, and even my health.

I guess when the Christmas season rolls around, I look back at the past year--the blessings and trials that have arisen...please bear with me sweet friend for a moment as I recap...

1. We finally got moved into our part of the house =D
2. We got to spend 2 weeks in Tenessee and I absolutely was blessed by the fine arts camp Anna attended
3. I lost 50 pounds
4. I found out I have a hyperactive thyroid.
5. I got a "new" car!!
6. My little sister got engaged
7. I got my yellow belt in karate
8. I joined my first gym
9. God removed friendships from my life and restored and strengthened my friendship with my mom
10. I got to go on my first kayaking trip

the list could go on forever! I just have to stop and praise my Jesus for all the blessings He has bestowed on my life--even when the hurt and frustration threatened to overwhelm. I learned things about myself that I never knew before and dealt with issues that I boasted I would never face.....concreting the saying, "if you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans."

I cannot wait to post again this next week--and I'll try to pull some of these hard learned lessons to share with you and put up some of the scriptures that have molded my heart over the last weeks and months.

Blessings to you all!
God's Gal Sarah

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