Sunday, January 22, 2012

I'm a Rotten Inheritance

Inheritance. We have all heard the word--usually uttered at the passing of a loved one or in the legal mutters of a lawyer.

When many people think of inheritance they imagine a sum of money or family heirlooms passed down. Some picture beautiful jewels that adorned a grandmother's neck, others think about a father's tools that crafted masterpieces from a garage. I think of my mama's quilts. But what if I told you that we are an inheritance? Yeah. You and me. We. WE are the inheritance of Christ.

While I was doing Bible study a couple days ago, I was struck in the face by a passage from Ephesians. Chapter 1, verse 11 states that "In Him we were also made His inheritance, predestined according to the purpose of the One who woks out everything in agreement with the decision of His will...."

The first part of that verse jumped off the page and slapped me across the face. I am HIS inheritance. He is the King of Kings, my hope for eternity, the Son of God....and I am His inheritance. It sounds to me like Jesus is getting short changed in this deal!

When I read that verse, I had to stop and be amazed as well as humbled. Jesus is co-owner of the entire world. We cannot fathom His wealth. The Bible tells us that He is co-owner of the beasts in every forest and the cattle on a thousand hills. (Ps. 50:10) He doesn't need an inheritance...His Father shares it all with Him. And yet, He chooses us to be His gift.

I cannot fathom that depth of love.

If that wasn't enough--or I didn't feel like Jesus was getting a raw inheritance in me, Ephesians 1:14 broke me even more. "He is the down payment of our inheritance, for the redemption of the possession, to the praise of His glory."


HE is the downpayment for MY inheritance! So, not only is a rotten sinner like me His inheritance, but He payed for my inheritance with His blood. It's a circle. I'm His inheritance, but so that I would have an inheritance, He died.

I'm amazed. I'm humbled. I don't think I could give that kind of love. The sacrifice and love of Jesus is beyond imagining.

And why does He grant us an inheritance? ......"to the praise of His glory....." (Eph. 1:14). He wants praise of His glory in return for a gift so great I could never pay it back to Him.

I'm a rotten inheritance in return for a love too deep to fathom. But doggone it, {because that is a legitimate word of course} if He wants me to praise His glory in return, then that's what I'm going to do.

What does living a life that brings praise to His glory look like for you? What areas of your life need to change in order to make that happen?

The areas of life that must come under submission to God's call of holiness will be different for each person. Some struggle with gossip that doesn't bring praise to His glory. Others might struggle with submission, loving their husbands, graciousness to others, giving with a joyful heart, faith, obedience....the list is endless.

Don't think you're alone. I am listing a dozen areas that aren't bringing praise to His glory that I exhibit in my own life on a daily basis. But after all He has given to me, I find great joy in changing my life to bring more praise to Him.

I'm humbled. I'm amazed. I'm encouraged. I'm kicked in the spiritual rear. Please tell me I'm not alone!

Isn't our sweet Jesus amazing?

1 comment:

kay said...

Thank you for your wise words, because of them Im going to love the person in my life that I have had a problem loving.