Saturday, May 7, 2011

I Guess It's Good

If you follow me on facebook or twitter at all then you know I am in love with my wedding playlist. I don't want to give away the songs being played just yet, but I don't know if I will be able to walk down the aisle without crying. I keep listening to them over and over again thinking, God, let the people there get the message we are trying to portray. Each song tells a story, you just have to listen to them and then apply the message to the marriage happening. There's something about imagining the doors opening at the climax of a song and getting goosebumps as I sit in Starbucks. The next 6 days cannot pass fast enough for me.

I guess it's good that I love the songs enough that I cry.....I'm going to go invest in a mega-truck load of waterproof mascara before this event. I'm warning my photographer about my weepy condition and praying she is as good in Photoshop as she evidences to be. She's going to have so much coverage to do on my face.

We have our marriage license now. YESSSSS! We went in the courthouse and the guard at the door ran our belongings through the detector and asked, "You going to the clerk's office? Most young happy couples are." I guess the fact we were holding hands gave us away.

Upon our answering yes the other guard said to Kyle, "Oh, man, you need to come back here and have a talk with us" as we walked through. HA.

Thankfully our marriage counseling qualified us for a discounted rate and Kyle's military status took away the waiting period so we walked out with the official document at the same time we applied. The woman told us, "It is effective as of today."

Sigh. We might have looked at each other and talked about a late night trip to Vegas. Or not.

Thanks for making us even more anxious, Mrs.-County-Clerk-Lady.

So now our license is resting with our rings at the house waiting on the next six days to pass.

But while I'm thinking about it, do I have any pastor or certified rabbis who want to sign this thing for us???????

Anxiously waiting,

1 comment:

Becky Dietz said...

Come to Borger and Andy would be HAPPY to oblige!! (No one will ever know...)